
REVTEX<#164#><#164#> will automatically number sections, equations, figure captions, and tables. In order to reference them in text, use the 43 and 44 commands.

The 45 command appears following a section heading; within an equation; or within a figure or table environment, inside of or following the caption. The 46 command appears in text where citation is to occur. We will refer to the first figure (Fig.~#autonum#165>) here. We can refer to the ``late figure'' also (Fig.~#latefigure#166>).

References to figures: Fig.~#autonum#167>, Fig.~#latefigure#168>, Fig.~#reduced#169>, and Fig.~#fig4#170>.

References to tables: Table #table1#171>, Table #table2#172>, Table #table3#173>, Table #table4#174>, Table #latetable#175>, and Table #table6#176>.

<#177#>Physical Review<#177#> style requires that the initial citation of figures or tables be in numerical order in text, so don't cite Fig.~#reduced#178> until you've cited Fig.~#latefigure#179>. See <#180#>Style and Notation Guide<#180#>.

We wish to acknowledge the support of the author community in using REVTEX<#181#><#181#>, offering suggestions and encouragement, testing new versions, … .

If a section does not have a number (like the Acknowledgments section), use the so-called ``star version'' of the command. That is, insert a star between the command and its arguments: 47, 48, etc. For the Acknowledgments section you can also use the command 49 to produce the heading.